Jul 13, 2023

Medicinal herbs: how to buy the best

We’ve always known herbs are more than just plants. From elevating dishes from bland to brilliant, to helping ease pain or improve health,

Medicinal herbs: how to buy the best

We’ve always known herbs are more than just plants. From elevating dishes from bland to brilliant, to helping ease pain or improve health, herbs are that little bit of magic that spice up our lives.

The use of herbs in healthcare shows up in almost all cultures throughout history. Through trial and error, our ancestors around the world were able to discover the affects of different plants and herbs on the body to treat various illness and ailments. Today, herbs are still used as a natural source of medicine. And while there is no current scientific evidence for safety and efficacy, a large spectrum of herbalists continue to use products made from botanicals or herbal plants to treat diseases and maintain health. But not all herbs are grown or processed equally, and when looking for the highest quality herbs while maintaining accessibility, there are some things you should be aware of. Here are the top five things to be aware of when looking for medicinal herbs.

1. Freshness

Even the highest quality grown herbs have a shelf life. So, when choosing what herbs are right for you, freshness is a top concern. Over time, herbs lose their efficacy. For stronger results it is best to use the freshest herbs possible. This may seem obvious for fresh plants, but dried herbs also go stale over time. Yes, that means all those old, dry spices you have in the back of your pantry probably need to go! So, how long do dried herbs last? The shelf life actually depends on size. For example, larger, dried herbs stay fresh longer than ground or powdered dried herbs. Officially the shelf life is 1-3 years, but if not stored properly that time window also shrinks drastically. And this isn’t 1-3 years isn’t guaranteed to be from time of purchase either. When buying herbs off a shelf, especially from stores with low turnover or no guarantee on freshness, they could have been sitting there for a year or more already without your knowing. Crazy? We think so too. So, we are working to solve this problem by shipping directly from the producer to the client. This way, the client receives the freshest stocks possible, and is not dealing with wholesalers that may warehouse their products or add additional in shipping.

2. Harvesting time

Similarly, to wanting the freshest product possible, at what stage of the growth cycle a plant is harvested at also affects the potency of the herb. Picking a plant too early or too late will result in a less potent final product, so make sure you are purchasing from a farm that you can trust is harvesting your herbs with this knowledge in mind.

3. Organic vs. conventional

You should be looking for herbs that are free from contaminants. This means the herbs were not sprayed with herbicides during growth. Buying certified, organic herbs is a great way to ensure this qualification is met. We provide hand-picked organic herbs so that you know exactly what is in your final product—fresh herbs, like it should be.

4. Sustainability

When supporting an industry, sustainability is an important factor when considering which herbs to buy. Herbs should be sustainably farmed or harvested from their natural environment. Our hand-picked, organic herbs are all meticulously harvested from their country of origin, growing where they naturally grow best. But for us, sustainability is about more than just the herbs—it is also about the people that grow them. We support our farmers and processors through educational opportunities, with an emphasis on upskilling and lifelong learning. Education has a tremendous impact on communities, and we want to support our partners while having a positive impact on their communities and families. As businesses and consumers, we have an opportunity to affect the communities we buy from. So, why not try to buy your products from somewhere you know will make a positive impact? Get to know the policies of any company you decide to do business with to see how they work creating a positive impact into their business.

5. Price                      

Anyone can say that you get what you pay for, but in the case of herbs, it is often correct. Cheap herbs often contain contaminants, are potentially expired, or were not harvested or stored correctly. These kinds of conditions will not give you the desired results you are looking for. But that does not mean that expensive herbs are automatically better either. Ideally you should look for a quality product that is fairly priced. Often things such as storage, shipping, and any other ways additional companies touch the same product will add costs. We aim to solve this problem by removing the middleman, so our clients can have better products at better prices. But be sure to research any company that you buy from to understand what you are paying for.

At Infinite, we provide a wide range of herbs such as morninga, molakhia, red baobab, and more. With over 35 years of experience, and through our well-established network of partners and affiliated companies, we are able to source and supply the finest East African produce, at the best price.

To learn more about what we can do to help you source top quality, fair trade certified, hand-picked organic herbs, contact us today.