Frequently asked questions

How do I order?

You can order via phone, email, or contact form.

To place an order via phone, please call our sales team toll FREE in North America at +1-888-331-5533 or outside North America at +1-403-681-6725 during business hours. Our team will assist you in placing your order, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with any necessary information.

To place an order via email, please send your request to Make sure to include the product name, quantity, and any other relevant information about your order. Our sales team will review your request and follow up with you promptly to confirm your order.

To place an order via contact form, please fill out the form on our website with your order details and contact information. Our sales team will review your request and respond to you as soon as possible to confirm your order.

No matter which ordering method you choose, we are committed to providing you with a seamless and convenient ordering experience. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your order is processed accurately, shipped on time, and meets your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept direct payments via wire transfers and letters of credit and we want to make the payment process as convenient as possible.

Please note that payments made via wire transfers may take a few days to process. Once we receive the payment, we will confirm it with you and proceed with your order. If you have any questions or concerns about payment methods, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Do you sell to the public?

No, we do not sell our products directly to the public. Our focus is primarily on serving customers within the wholesale, manufacturing and coffee roasting industries.

We specialize in sourcing high-quality agriculture products from Africa and South Asia and distribute them to our network of wholesale buyers, including retailers and distributors. If you are a member of the public and interested in purchasing our agriculture products, we recommend reaching out to local retailers or exploring online marketplaces that cater to consumer needs. These platforms often offer a wide selection of agricultural products suitable for personal use.

However, if you are a business or industry professional interested in wholesale agricultural products from Africa and South Asia, we would be delighted to discuss potential opportunities and provide you with further information. Please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.

Where Can I find prices?

Prices are available upon request. The reason for this is that our prices are subject to change based on a variety of factors such as quantity, availability, shipping costs, and other variables.

If you are interested in our products and would like to request a price quote, please contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with a customized quote based on your specific needs.

We strive to offer competitive pricing for our products while maintaining a high level of quality and service. Rest assured that we will do our best to provide you with fair and transparent pricing for our products.

Where are your products warehoused?

Some of our products are warehoused within Canada and most products are shipped direct from the source. We offer shipping to customers across Canada, the USA and internationally. We understand that shipping costs can vary depending on the destination, and we strive to provide the best possible pricing to our customers.

To ensure that our customers receive the best shipping price, we may adjust the shipping cost based on the destination, shipping method, and other factors. We work with various shipping carriers and will choose the carrier that offers the best price and delivery time for your location.

Our team will provide you with an accurate shipping quote once your order has been processed. We will work with you to find the most cost-effective shipping option that meets your needs and budget.

Can you ship directly from the source?

Yes, we offer direct shipping from the source of origin for eligible orders.

To qualify, your order can consist of multiple SKUs, and the quantity should be sufficient to fill a 20 ft or 40 ft container. For direct shipping to be available, all the SKUs in your order must originate from the same location of origin. Mixing SKUs from different origins would necessitate separate shipments. Most of our shipments to customers are shipped directly from origin to the customer's warehouse.