Jul 13, 2023

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility has become an important buzzword in modern business. Corporations are jumping on any and all certifications...

Corporate social responsibility

Empowering Communities Through Women

Corporate social responsibility has become an important buzzword in modern business. Corporations are jumping on any and all certifications, hoping to satisfy the growing group of globally conscious consumers. But what does corporate social responsibility really mean? For us, it means to ensure we are making a positive impact. One of the ways we strive to accomplish this is through our support of female coffee growers.

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors for African economies. Over 50% of Africa’s labour force is involved in agriculture, and for the rural population, agriculture represents the main source of income for 90% of people. That’s a huge percentage, and also presents a huge opportunity.

Despite high levels of participation, the productivity of African farms is fairly low. With little access to the modern farming technology used in other parts of the world, Africa’s rural population struggles to move out of poverty. Due to gender discrimination, women are especially vulnerable as they can often only access resources through their husbands or sons. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Corporations have a unique power to contribute change through business and support.

When women are put in control of their own finances, their power increases immensely. They are able to contribute to their families and communities and make business choices that benefit these groups. While many women are already participating in the agricultural industry, but deep rooted, while the cultural norms are that women work on their acreages/farms, support is much needed.These female farmers need support, and in choosing to purchase from their farms, we are able to create positive change.

Coffee was one of the first internationally traded products that the global community made collective efforts to improve socio-economic and environmental standards. In Uganda, coffee farming is the country’s most important export crop. Uganda sells mainly Robusta coffee, with a smaller percentage of Arabica coffee also sold, and the industry is mainly composed of smaller producers. As the largest earner in the country’s economy, millions of families depend on this crop. Therefore, empowering the women in this industry is an important step towards increasing gender equality.

Choosing to purchase from female coffee growers is a great first step, but to make a truly positive impact, we want to go further. Education is incredibly valuable, so we ensure our farmers are provided with continual training and information to stay ahead and help bring future generations into the industry. They are taught and trained at farm field schools where they can gain the skills and experience they need to succeed in their own communities. What sustainability truly means—making a positive change that not only affects today, but also affects tomorrow. Building a better future for the next generation is a goal we are behind one hundred percent.

Businesses have the power to source these kinds of products and bring them to our own local consumers. As consumers, you are the next step. When you are also conscious of supporting sustainably and empowering global causes that you believe in, you complete the chain of empowerment that makes a difference. These choices matter in creating lasting social change. So, if you are going to purchase African coffee anyways, why not choose the best Robusta beans, or other African specialty coffee while also building up communities across the globe? Every purchase counts and is helping to build a network where sustainable, fair-trade certified products are the norm and not the exception. Together, we can make a difference.

Infinite provides customers with quality East African Produce, including hand-picked, organic coffee farmed by female coffee growers. Our goal is to provide clients with superior agricultural products sourced from sustainable farms at the best price. To find out more about the types of products we provide, visit our products and services page.